Africanized Honey Bees "Killer Bees"
These bees are a hybrid from Honey Bees and are the ones that swarm in great numbers. You will typically see them during March - July, but can occur throughout the year. They will nest in a lot of places that don't seem normal for honey bees, like sheds, tires, logs, etc.
Honey Bees
Though quite friendly, these bees are often confused by wasps (who are the ones that are aggressive and sting). If there are Honey bees around, do not slap or swat them, stand still and let them pass by. Honey bees do what their name tells them, they make honey. Lots of it. So much, that if you do not remove the bee hive, they will come back.
These bees are extremely social, pollinate crops, and have produced the africanized 'killer bee' that are extremely dangerous if not taken care of properly.
These bees are extremely social, pollinate crops, and have produced the africanized 'killer bee' that are extremely dangerous if not taken care of properly.
Yellow Jacket Wasps
Yellow Jacket Wasps can have up to 1,000 workers in their nest and mostly distinguished by their black and yellow body segments.
- What is the difference between Bees & Wasps?
- Wasps will be more aggressive and can sting multiple times
- (Honey bees will die after they sting you)
- Honey Bees are hairy, while Wasps have a smooth, shiny skin
- Wasps do not produce honey like Honey Bees do
Bee Control
Our base price for Bee Control is $250.00 plus tax, BUT we can give a lower price depending on where the bees are located at (whether in a tire, location of where on the tree, etc. Be specific when you call on the phone so I can give you a better price.)
- Price does not include location fee (If located in Penitas or Harlingen there could be a higher charge)
- The service includes us killing the bees, extracting the honey comb if accessible (we have to remove the hive in order to give the guarantee)
- We give you a 60-day guarantee if the hive is removed
- The price covers 2 hours of work, every additional hour is $50.00 extra (two hours of work almost always covers it)
Wasp Control
Our base price for Wasps Control is $125.00 plus tax and covers 2 hours of work (every additional hour is $50.00 extra). Here is what our services entail:
- Spray the bees down wherever necessary
- 30-day guarantee
- Price does not include location fee (If located in Penitas or Harlingen there could be a higher charge)