I scheduled my service, but nobody came to my house!
Please understand that we confirm appointments for the following day before 5 pm, we may leave a message (if voice-mail is available) and call all the numbers on file, but if we do not actually hear your voice confirming the appointment, we will not send our pest specialist to service your home.
This is to prevent any scheduling issues and cancellations. If we leave a message and our office isn't open, please call and leave a message and we will receive it before the day starts where we can then send our pest specialist to service your home.
We may/may not call the same day of your appointment to confirm if it wasn't confirmed the day before, but if nobody answers, we will instruct our pest specialist that the appointment was cancelled.
This is to prevent any scheduling issues and cancellations. If we leave a message and our office isn't open, please call and leave a message and we will receive it before the day starts where we can then send our pest specialist to service your home.
We may/may not call the same day of your appointment to confirm if it wasn't confirmed the day before, but if nobody answers, we will instruct our pest specialist that the appointment was cancelled.