Fire Ants
Fire Ants have been a problem in Texas for a long time now, don't think that it could be your fault at one moment. They invade lawns, cemeteries, schoolyards, and your precious home. Do not disturb their mound at any moment, their fire ant sting burns and will itch, followed by a sore. People who are allergic to fire ants may need medical attention. WILL SEE DURING SPRING, SUMMER, EARLY FALL, AND AFTER RAINY PERIODS.
They will be red and black in color and tend to be small in size.
Our Services for Fire Ants
Since these ants do not like wet soil, we need to make sure we treat these fire ants in a specific way. Mounds are typically 2-5 inches in height and a great rule of thumb is "however high the mound is, is how deep the queen may be under the soil", so we drench the entire mound and inject 5 inches below the mound as well with our insecticides. We also use a bait application, since they are extremely social (cleaning each other, feeding each other), they will take that bait all the way to the queen, thus getting rid of the problem. Now, because we use this type of treatment, sometimes, you won't even see dead ants around, they die within their colony.
Cost: $ - $$
Note: Is included in a General Pest Control Service
Price Guide
Please refer to this pricing guide to determine the estimated cost for a FIRE ANT service.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.