German Cockroaches
These cockroaches are most common in commercial kitchens and residential homes and can be a nuisance if you try taking care of the problem yourself. They reproduce quickly, this is one thing you don't want to wait on, because it can get out of control!
These are very dark brown and are very small in size.
Our Services for German Cockroaches
We spray inside the home, all around baseboards, spray entire cabinets (this is a must or else you will keep having a problem), but we have to do a second visit for German roaches. The second visit happens two weeks later, but we have to break the egg cycle (cockroaches can become immune to our chemical), so we mix it up and provide the best, quality service for the money you pay. The second visit, you need to still remove everything from cabinets and we do the same process all over again. After that, we can give you a 30-day guarantee. Please allow two weeks to see results after second visit.
1st visit cost: $ - $$Second visit NEEDS to be done in 10-12 days, if not process needs to start all over again.
2nd Visit Cost: $After second visit, you get a 30-DAY GUARANTEE. Please allow two weeks to see results.
Price Guide
Please refer to this pricing guide to determine the estimated cost for a GERMAN COCKROACHES service.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.