Rodent Control
The most important thing to do when dealing with rodents is proper identification. The first thing we do is try to look for any droppings or fecal matter left behind or any nesting areas. We seal up all exit and entry points to seal up the home from any new infestations. This means that the rodents that you currently have are now sealed in your home. We then place traps and bait to extract any rodents trapped in the home so that they can be relocated in the following visits. Our rodent control visits consist of 4 visits and is backed by a 60 day guarantee unless otherwise stated.
Cost: $$ - $$$
Removal of Dead Animal

When removing dead animals it is always recommended that the landowner have a general idea as to where the dead animal is located. After retrieving the body we disinfect and de-odorize the area to the best of our ability. We are not liable for any damaged or destroyed property while extracting the dead animal, and we cannot replace or repair any damaged areas.
Cost: $ - $$
Price Guide
Please refer to this pricing guide to determine the estimated cost for a RODENT CONTROL service.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.