Scorpions can be extremely dangerous with their pinchers, so you want to make sure you take care of this problem quick if you have kids running around in your home. NOTE: We can combine this service with Fleas & Ticks so you wouldn't pay twice for a service.
Scorpions range from 1 to 5 inches and range from yellowish to black in color.
Our Services for Scorpions
We spray pesticides for scorpions around the perimeter of the home; focusing on any debris or stone pathways under which scorpions may be hiding. Inside, we do a broadcast treatment of the home focusing on any entry points or hiding places where scorpions live. We also use a pesticide specially formulated in a dust, which we spread throughout the attic or crawlspace of your home.
Cost: $$ - $$$
Price Guide
Please refer to this pricing guide to determine the estimated cost for a SCORPION service.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.