Pre-Construction Subterranean Termites
A Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite service is when you are building a house and once they complete the foundation, a pest control company provides a Pre-Const. Sub. Termite service in order to abide by laws, but also to prevent termites and provide a barrier for the home and homeowner.
Information Needed
In order to provide a Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite service, we need to be provided at least one day notice, the size of the foundation, location of the foundation, and the time that you would like for us to be there. Please note that at most times we will be at the time requested, but sometimes we can be there two-three hours later by abiding our scheduled services.
Our services for Pre-Construction Subterranean Termites
We provide 1-year guarantees, 5-year guarantees, and other year guarantees if you call for a quote where we can transfer you to the General Manager who can give you a better price.
Cost: Depends on the size of foundation and you need to call for a quote.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termites

The first step is to locate if you do have a problem. A lot of our customers in the past have seen them closer to the ceiling, on the outside where the foundation meets the soil, and other locations. You will always need a Termite Inspection which is free in order to give you a quote, what we do for our services at your specific home, and the guarantee which we can at most times give you.
INSPECT: In this photo, Subterranean Termites are located on the wall beside a staircase. One good way to tell if there are active termites is to remove that dirt and 6 hours later check to see if they have replaced it.
INSPECT: In this photo, Subterranean Termites are located on the wall beside a staircase. One good way to tell if there are active termites is to remove that dirt and 6 hours later check to see if they have replaced it.

Once you have determined that there might be termite activity in your home, you will need to call a pest control specialist to inspect your home. There are certain facts that you need to realize with Termite Services:
Not all companies do the same termite work, all prices are different, and you can either get a guarantee from them or not
Just because you get a termite service, doesn't mean they might not come back, it all depends on how extensive the work is
We provide a free inspection first for termites
INSPECT: In this photo, after a few seconds you could see the Subterranean Termites running around and slowly rebuild the dirt to cover their tracks. This doesn't mean that you have termites all over your home, it could be just in that certain spot, but an inspection will conclude where exactly they are at and how extensive it could be.
Not all companies do the same termite work, all prices are different, and you can either get a guarantee from them or not
Just because you get a termite service, doesn't mean they might not come back, it all depends on how extensive the work is
We provide a free inspection first for termites
INSPECT: In this photo, after a few seconds you could see the Subterranean Termites running around and slowly rebuild the dirt to cover their tracks. This doesn't mean that you have termites all over your home, it could be just in that certain spot, but an inspection will conclude where exactly they are at and how extensive it could be.
Most common found in residential homes and commercial buildings. You can easily find them where the foundation meets the soil and are noticeable by the "mud tubes" they form in order to crawl to reach the bottom of the soil (which they need to survive) to the top of your home. They are also easily noticed by the holes they leave close to ceilings (remove the dust and if they come back and close it within 8 hours, it is possible you may have termites). A termite inspection is always needed to identify if you do actually have termites (we also have a termite protection plan if you don't have any.) They are creamy brown and very small in size.
Our services for Post-Construction Subterranean Termites
Within all locations, different treatments are used with how severe the problem is. At most times we trench around the home, drill, make holes in the bathroom if need be, and apply termiticide in order to get rid of these termites. Please note that all termite services are different and a reminder that ALL companies are not the same when it comes to treating termites.
Cost: $$$ - $$$$$
Price Guide
Please refer to this pricing guide to determine the estimated cost for a TERMITE service.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.
$: $25 - $75
$$: $75 - $125
$$$: $125 - $250
$$$$: $250 - $400
$$$$$: $400+
Prices are subjected to change and are not guaranteed, discounts can be made to follow your budget, and combined pest control services will be less expensive as well.